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To configure Flutter Release X, create a config.yaml file in the root directory of your project. This file defines how builds are processed, uploaded, and shared.

🔹 Configuration Options

You have two ways to configure Flutter Release X:

1️. Default Configuration (Quick & Easy 🚀)

  • Ideal for most users who want an automated build & upload process without extra setup.
  • Supports .apk builds, QR code generation, and cloud uploads (GitHub, Google Drive, Slack).

Default Config file Sample

# Path to Flutter binary
# Example for Windows: C:/dev/flutter/bin/flutter.bat
# Example for macOS: /Users/USER_NAME/development/flutter/bin/flutter

enabled: true
token: YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN # Required: Personal Access Token for GitHub
repo: REPO/PATH # Required: GitHub repository path, e.g., RittikSoni/Flutter-Release-X
tag: v0.0.1 # Release tag (e.g., version number)

enabled: true
client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID # Required: Google API Client ID
client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET # Required: Google API Client Secret

enabled: true
bot_user_oauth_token: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN # Required: Slack Bot OAuth Token, e.g., xoxb-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX
default_channel_id: CHANNEL_ID # Required: Slack channel ID, e.g., CXXXXXXXXX
share_QR: true # Optional: Share QR code in Slack (default: true)
share_link: true # Optional: Share build download link in Slack (default: true)
custom_message: "🚀 Check out the latest build! Download your app now!" # Custom message to accompany the link
mention_users: ["U0XXXXXXX", "U08XXXXXXXX"] # List of Slack user/member IDs to mention. Note: not username or display name.

# QR Code generation settings
enabled: true # Whether to generate QR codes (true/false)
save_file: true # Save the QR code image to the file system (true/false)
show_in_command: true # Display QR code in the command line output (true/false)
size: 256 # Size of the generated QR code (pixels)
error_correction_level: low # Error correction level: low, medium, quartile, high
save_path: "./release-qr-code.png" # File path to save the QR code image

2. Advanced Pipeline (Full Customization 🔥)

  • For users who need complete control over build steps, dependencies, and automation.
  • Supports custom commands, multiple platforms (iOS, Web, Desktop), and external scripts.
  • Overrides default configuration when enabled.

Advance Pipeline Config file Sample

enabled: true
token: YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN # Required: Personal Access Token for GitHub
repo: REPO/PATH # Required: GitHub repository path, e.g., RittikSoni/Flutter-Release-X
tag: v0.0.1 # Release tag (e.g., version number)

enabled: true
client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID # Required: Google API Client ID
client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET # Required: Google API Client Secret

enabled: true
bot_user_oauth_token: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN # Required: Slack Bot OAuth Token, e.g., xoxb-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX
default_channel_id: CHANNEL_ID # Required: Slack channel ID, e.g., CXXXXXXXXX
share_QR: true # Optional: Share QR code in Slack (default: true)
share_link: true # Optional: Share build download link in Slack (default: true)
custom_message: "🚀 Check out the latest build! Download your app now!" # Custom message to accompany the link
mention_users: ["U0XXXXXXX", "U08XXXXXXXX"] # List of Slack user/member IDs to mention. Note: not username or display name.

# QR Code generation settings
enabled: true # Whether to generate QR codes (true/false)
save_file: true # Save the QR code image to the file system (true/false)
show_in_command: true # Display QR code in the command line output (true/false)
size: 256 # Size of the generated QR code (pixels)
error_correction_level: low # Error correction level: low, medium, quartile, high
save_path: "./release-qr-code.png" # File path to save the QR code image

# Advanced Pipeline Configuration [OPTIONAL]
# This section allows you to define multiple pipeline steps that can be executed in sequence. Each step can have its own commands, dependencies, and upload options.

# If a custom pipeline is provided, it will override the default flow and behavior.
# Ensure that the pipeline steps are properly defined to reflect the intended execution order.

# e.g.,
- name: "Run Tests"
command: "flutter test"
customExitCondition: "Test failed" # Stop if tests fail
upload_output: false # No upload for this step
notify_slack: true # Notify Slack after tests complete

- name: "Lint"
command: "flutter analyze"
customExitCondition: "issues found" # Stop if issues found

- name: "Build APK"
command: "flutter build apk --release"
customExitCondition: "error: some specific error message" # Stop if this error appears in the output
upload_output: true # Enable upload for this step
output_path: "./build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk" # APK path
notify_slack: false # Do not notify Slack after this step

- name: "Package Release"
command: "node --version"
customExitCondition: "version mismatch" # Stop if version mismatch is found
upload_output: true # Upload to cloud on success
output_path: "./" # Path to release package
notify_slack: true # Notify on Slack on success

- name: "Deploy to Cloud"
command: "./"
customExitCondition: "deployment failed" # Stop if deployment fails
upload_output: false # No upload as deployment is handled separately
notify_slack: true # Notify on Slack on success

# Note: The order of steps in the pipeline is crucial!
# Each step depends on the successful completion of the previous step.
# If a step fails due to a custom exit condition, the pipeline will halt immediately,
# and subsequent steps will not be executed. Ensure that custom exit conditions are properly defined
# to avoid unwanted interruptions in the pipeline flow.

📌 Which One Should You Choose?

FeatureDefault ConfigurationAdvanced Pipeline
Ease of Use✅ Simple setup⚡ Requires custom steps
Custom Commands❌ Not supported✅ Fully customizable
Multi-Platform🚀 Android only🌍 Any platform
External Scripts❌ No✅ Yes
Error Handling🔧 Standard logs⚠️ Custom exit conditions
💡 Tip:

If you're just getting started, go with Default Configuration. If you need full flexibility, switch to Advanced Pipeline.

Flutter Path

flutter_pathPath to the Flutter binaryC:/dev/flutter/bin/flutter.bat (Windows), /Users/USER_NAME/development/flutter/bin/flutter (macOS)

Upload Options


enabledEnable GitHub uploadYestrue
tokenPersonal Access Token for GitHubYesYOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN
repoGitHub repository pathYesRittikSoni/Flutter-Release-X
tagRelease tag (e.g., version number)Nov0.0.1 (Defaults to v0.0.1)

Google Drive

enabledEnable Google Drive uploadYestrue
client_idGoogle API Client IDYesYOUR_CLIENT_ID
client_secretGoogle API Client SecretYesYOUR_CLIENT_SECRET


enabledEnable Slack uploadYestrue
bot_user_oauth_tokenSlack Bot OAuth TokenYesYOUR_BOT_TOKEN
default_channel_idSlack channel IDYesCXXXXXXXXX
share_QRWhether to share QR code on SlackNotrue (default)
share_linkWhether to share build download link on SlackNotrue (default)
custom_messageCustom message to share with the build linkNo"🚀 Check out the latest build! Download your app now!"
mention_usersList of Slack user/member IDs to mentionNo["U0XXXXXXX", "U08XXXXXXXX"]

QR Code Generation Settings

enabledWhether to generate QR codestruetrue
save_fileWhether to save the QR code image to the file systemtruetrue
show_in_commandWhether to display the QR code in the command linetruetrue
sizeSize of the generated QR code (in pixels)256256
error_correction_levelError correction level for the QR codelowlow (Options: low, medium, quartile, high)
save_pathFile path to save the QR code image./release-qr-code.png./release-qr-code.png

Advance Pipeline

FieldDescriptionExample ValueRequiredDefault Value
nameThe name of the pipeline step."Build APK"YesN/A
commandThe command to run for this pipeline step.flutter build apk --releaseYesN/A
upload_outputWhether to upload the output from this step.true or falseNofalse
output_pathThe file path where the output is stored (if applicable)../build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apkNoN/A
notify_slackWhether to notify Slack after this step completes.true or falseNofalse
custom_exit_conditionCustom condition for when to stop the pipeline step. It checks for a specific match in the stdout or stderr. If matched, the pipeline stops. If not matched, the pipeline continues."error: some specific error message" (Stop if a specific error occurs in the output)NoN/A