Did you know...
Flutter Release X not only streamlines your Flutter & Non-Flutter app deployment but also give you power to run custom pipeline or workflow by offering a powerful and intuitive command-line interface.
The documentation below is divided into two sections: primary commands and configurable CLI options.
Primary Commands
These commands execute the core functions of Flutter Release X. Each command is designed to simplify your workflow.
Command | Description |
frx build | Initiates the build process. If an advanced pipeline is configured, it executes that sequence; otherwise, it builds the release APK, uploads it to the cloud, and generates a QR code & download link (if enabled). |
frx build -s | Outputs the current configuration file path, allowing you to quickly verify your environment setup. |
frx build -c <path_to_config> | Overrides the default config.yaml with a custom configuration file. This setting persists for subsequent builds until changed. |
frx build --target all | Compiles release versions for all supported platforms. |
frx notify --platform slack --message 'message' | Dispatches a notification to Slack with a custom message. |
CLI Options & Flags
Customize command behavior using the options below. Each entry includes the long form, its shorthand alias, acceptable values, and a clear description.
Option | Alias | Possible Values | Description |
--target | -t | all , android , ios , macos , windows , web , linux | Defines the target platform(s) for the build command. |
--platform | -p | slack (more options forthcoming) | Specifies the notification platform for the notify command. |
--message | -m | Custom message string | Sets a custom notification message. |
--config | -c | File path | Specifies a custom configuration file to override the default settings. |
--show-config | -s | - | Displays the current configuration file path for verification purposes. |
For additional details on any command or option, run frx <command> --help